Monday, June 6, 2011

Podcast Episode #2

My second episode of the podcast looks at my running of the Minneapolis Half Marathon yesterday! I completed the race and achieved my goal. I am quite proud of my accomplishment and can say that if I can run a half marathon so can you! In the episode, I  go over my thoughts about the race, before, during and after the race and a little about the rest of my experience with the Minneapolis Half Marathon. After that I go into my plans (or lack there of) for the rest of the summer. Right now, I plan on recovering from the run (which I am doing nicely so far) and possibly do a 5k with a friend of mine later on in June/July. Otherwise I don't have anything on the docket until much later. If anyone is running a race within a few hours drive of Rochester and would like someone to run with, leave me a comment and I'll be glad to go with you (or cheer you on) if I can.

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